Beef Framework Hook Bookmark Not Working
Abstract— Web Browser is a tool, which connects us to the Internet. In this time of age, the Internet has become a dependent factor for most of us. Therefore, it is very important for us to understand what a web browser is, the architecture, and threats that come when using it. This paper illustrates the theoretical side of what is a web browser, what are its components, how a browser can be a risk, and how to protect the user. Furthermore, the paper illustrates a lab that demonstrates how to exploit a web browser attack using BeEF.
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Abstract — Web Browser is a tool, which connects us to the
Internet. In this time of age, Internet has become a dependent
factor for most of us. Therefore, it is very important for us to
understand what is web browser, the architecture, and threats
that come when using it. This paper illustrates the theoretical side
of what is web browser, what are its components, how a browser
can be a risk, and how to protect the user. Furthermore, the
paper illustrates a lab that demonstrates how to exploit a web
browser attack using BeEF.
EB browser can be define in many ways. One common
definition of web browser is that it is a software
application that allows users to view and interact with the
content available in many forms on a web page, such as text,
image, music, video, games, etc. It is the most popular method
for users to access the Internet. There are many examples of
web browsers. The five most popular web browsers are
Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari,
and Opera. Furthermore, add- ons are available as applications
to extend the functionality of such browsers. Few examples of
add-ons include Flash Player, Java, Adobe Reader, QuickTime
Player, etc. Depending on how the developers designed the
web page, specific add- ons are need to view specific content.
The main function of a web browser is to present the web
resources a user requests. The browser requests the resources
from the server and displays it within the browser window.
The requested resource is usually an HTML document, but
could be an image, PDF, or any other form of content. The
user uses URL (Uniform Resource Identifier) to specify the
location of the resource. Additionally, HTML and CSS
specification defines the way a browser will interpret and
display the HTML files. Such specification are maintained by
the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) organization. W3C
is a standard organization for the web. In the past, many
browsers followed a part of the specifications and developed
their own extensions specific to the browser. This caused
compatibility issues for web authors. Now most of the existing
browsers follow the common specifications. [2]
Today, a user can choose from many types of browsers.
Each has few elements that are distinct from one another.
There is, however, one commonality among browser that is
their User Interface (UI) Elements. UI elements include
address bar for inserting a URL, back/forward buttons,
bookmarking options, refresh and stop buttons for refreshing
or stopping the web page, and home button that takes the user
to the home page. The HTML5 specification used today does
not define UI elements, but include common elements, such as
address bar, status bar, and tool bar. [2]
There are seven main components of web browser. The
components include user interface, browser engine, rendering
engine, networking, UI backend, JavaScript interpreter, and
data storage. [2]
1. User Interface: includes every part of the browser
display, such as the address bar, back/forward button,
bookmarking menu, etc., except the window where
the user see the requested page.
2. Browser Engine: organizes actions between the UI and
the rendering engine.
3. Rendering Engine: accountable for displaying
requested content. When a user request HTML
content, the rendering engine analyses HTML and
CSS files, and displays the analyzed content on the
4. Networking: includes network calls such as HTTP
5. UI Backend: it is used for drawing basic widgets like
combo boxes and windows. The backend exposes a
generic interface that is not platform specific.
Underneath it all uses operating system user interface
6. JavaScript Interpreter: it is used to analyze and execute
JavaScript code.
7. Data Storage: It is a persistence layer. The browser
needs this component to save data locally, such as
cookies. Additionally, browser supports storage
mechanisms such as localStorage, IndexedDB,
WebSQL, and FileSystem.
The following image illustrates how each of the component
interact within the system.
Web Browser Attack Using BeEF Framework
Harshil Sawant, Samuel Agaga
Figure 1: Web Browser Components [2]
According to the past studies, about 45% of people roaming
the Internet are not utilizing the most secure version of their
web browser. Similar to many software, without the proper
security patches, web browsers are vulnerable to attack or
exploit. Furthermore, even a fully patched web browser can be
vulnerable to attack if the browser add-ons are not fully
patched. Remember, when the user patches the browser, the
add-ons are not automatically patched. [1]
Usually, browser-based attacks originated from malicious
websites. However, poor security programming of web
applications or vulnerabilities in the software supporting
websites, let attackers to compromise trusted web sites to
deliver malicious payloads to unsuspecting visitors. Hackers
would add scripts that do not change a vulnerable website's
appearance. These scripts can silently redirect the user to
another website without him/her knowing about it. This
redirect to another web site may cause malicious programs to
be downloaded to your computer. Such programs are generally
designed to allow remote control of the user's computer by the
attacker and to capture personal information, such as credit
card information, banking information, etc. [1]
The following are few of many practices a user must enforce
to avoid unwanted browser risk. [1]
• Keep your browser(s) updated and patched.
• Keep your operating system updated and patched.
• Use anti -virus and antispyware software, and keep
them updated.
• Keep your applications, such as multi-media programs
used for viewing videos, updated and patched,
particularly if they work with your browser.
• Make sure your computer's firewall is on.
• Block pop -up windows, some of which may be
malicious and hide attacks. This may block malicious
software from being downloaded to your computer.
• Tighten the security settings on your browsers. Check
the settings in the security, privacy, and content
sections in your browser. The minimum level should
be medium.
• Consider disabling JavaScript, Java, and ActiveX
It is important to note that number of these tips may limit
the users from access few of the browser's content. For
example, JavaScript is used to control web pages on the client
side of the browser, server-side programs, and even mobile
applications. If you need to use JavaScript, set your browser to
prompt you before running scripts. Lower your security
settings temporarily to have proper access, and then reset
them. [1]
BeEF is short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It
is a penetration testing tool that focuses on exploit of web
browser vulnerabilities. BeEF is a browser-based exploit
package that "hooks" one or more browsers as beachheads, so
the attacker can launch directed command modules and further
attacks against the system from within the browser context. A
user can be hooked by opening a customized URL and
continue to see typical web traffic, while an attacker has access
to the user's session. BeEF evades network security appliances
and host-based anti-virus applications by targeting the
vulnerabilities found in common browsers. [4] BeEF also
allows the professional penetration tester to assess the actual
security posture of a target environment by using client-side
attack vectors. Unlike other security frameworks, BeEF looks
past the hardened network perimeter and client system, and
examines exploitability within the context of the one open
door: the web browser. [3]
The following experiment illustrates steps we followed to
show how to execute a successful web browser attack using
BeEF and how important it is to have an updated antivirus
running for your computer to detect web browser attack using
BeEF framework.
Set up victim VM and attacker VM. Make sure the network
adapter for both VMs is set to Bridged Adapter.
Figure 2: VMs [9]
The highlighted VM are used for the experiment. The exploit
was carried out on the Kali Linux while the CentOS 7 was the
victimized OS.
Figure 3 : Victim's Machine CentOS 7 [8]
Figure 4: Attacker's Machine Latest Kali Linux [7]
Above is the login page of Kali Linux. Note that we had
created the login details during installation of the operating
Figure 5: Beef Directory
Use Terminal in Kali Linux to run the beef framework, the
attacker will have to login into the Kali Linux and then
navigate to the "beef-xss" directory and run the "beef" script
as shown above.
Figure 6: Running Beef
As can be seen from the above screenshot, beef has been
successfully launched. Use the highlighted URL to open BeEF
login page in the attacker browser.
Figure 7: BeEF Login Page
Once BeEF has been launched, the next thing will be to login
into the UI as seen above. The username and password is
Figure 8: BeEF Home Page
The above image is the BeEF home page with two highlighted
links. Any one of the link can be used to hook the victim's
browser. Make sure to replace the IP address of the link from to your attacker's IP address (in this case You can find you attacker's IP address from
the terminal using "ifconfig" command. Just for curiosity, the
following image is one of link called "advanced version" of
the html page when opened in the victim's VM.
Figure 9 : Malicious Link Page
At this point, from the attacker side, you can mask the
malicious link using tools such as, before baiting
your victim to click on your malicious link using social
Figure 10:
Suppose you are successful on bating your victim to click on
you link using email or other social engineering method. The
victim's system will be "hooked" as illustrated by the
following image. For this experiment, open the advanced
version link in the victim's VM to show that social engineering
is successful.
Figure 11: Browser Hooked
As can be seen in the above screenshot, the browser running
on the victim's machine with IP address has
been hooked. The above image is shown in the attacker's VM.
Figure 12 : Social Engineering Attack
In this attack, we exploited the victim machine by means of
social engineering as can been seen above. Under commands
tab, go to social engineering to test the same attack we tested.
Figure 13 : Selecting Attack
We are running the "Pretty Theft exploit". In Fig. 13 above, on
the right is where we enter the information of the attacker's
machine running the beef service. Make sure to replace the
default IP address in the custom logo with the attacker's VM
IP address (in this case before executing .
Figure 14: Launching the Attack
To run the attack, we simply just click on execute as show in
Fig. 14 above.
Figure 15: Fake Facebook Logi n
Once we have clicked execute, the Face Facebook
authentication screen will be displaced on the victim's
machine as seen in Fig. 15 above.
Figure 16: Login Details Captured
Looking at the heighted portion on the right of the screenshot
in Fig. 16 indicates our captured login details of the victim's
username and password for Facebook.
Note. It would feel more authentic for the victim if the attacker
execute his attack at the right time, for example, when the
victim is on Facebook login page.
Figure 17: Defense by Symantec Antivirus
One of the ways to defend this attached is by having an up to
date antivirus program running on your computer. In the
screenshot above, when we tried this exploit against a machine
running Symantec antivirus, we actually got a warning stating
that there was BeEF framework attack as can be seen in the
screenshot in Fig. 17. So test the same process, but turn on
your Symantec antivirus.
Figure 18 : Disabling Symantec Antivirus
However, attack was successful after we disabled the antirust
program as shown above.
Figure 19: Successful Login after Disabling Antivirus
After the antivirus program was disabled, the victim's machine
got "hooked" see Fig. 18 above.
In an article, it is proposed that after several successful
attempts to steal credit card information or banking
passwords, many companies are trying to step towards
cloud-based browsers, a Java-free browser. A cloud-based
browser store no data from each session and prevent any
malware from networking w ith the user's computer. One
such product is Authentic8's Silo. A separate browser that
executes only after entering a password. It then executes on
the cloud and calls up a list of links the user has previously
entered, and can store passwords for those sites. All code
executes on their remote servers, providing security against
malware and privacy against tracking. [5]
In conclusion, we now know how threating it is for everyone
to surf the web without using proper security practices. From
the experiment, we have learned that web browser attack is a
broad topic. Malicious users can execute all sort of attacks
from XSS to Buffer Overflow if the user is not updating his
system regularly. BeEF is a simple penetration-testing tool that
can be used by anyone to test some attacks or hack someone's
system, so it is necessary for everyone to keep up with the
updates and patches.
[1] "Web Browser Attack," Pvamus, Mar-2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15 -Jul-
[2] T. Garsiel and P. Irish, "How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of
modern web browsers," html5rocks , 05-Aug- 2011. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 15-Jul-2017].
[3] "BeEF - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project," BeEF - The
Browser Exploitation Framework Project. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Jul-2017].
[4] J. Muniz and A. Lakhani, "Web Penetration Testing with Kali
Linux," Google Books. [Online]. Available:
ef&f=false. [Accessed: 15-Jul-2017].
[5] A. Tanner, "Why Cloud Browsers Are The Wave Of The
Future," Forbes , 10- Mar-2014. [Online]. Available: -cloud-
browsers-are-the-wave-of-the-future/#150af5b9305a. [Accessed: 15-Jul-
[6] "Hack Like a Pro: How to Hack Web Browsers with
BeEF," WonderHowTo, 02- Feb-2015. [Online]. Available: https://null-
beef-0159961/. [Accessed: 15-Jul- 2017].
[7] "Our Most Advanced Penetration Testing Distribution, Ever.," Kali
Linux. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Jul-
[8] "The CentOS Project," CentOS Project . [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Jul-2017].
[9] "Oracle VM VirtualBox - Downloads | Oracle Technology Network |
Oracle," Oracle VM VirtualBox - Downloads | Oracle Technology
Network | Oracle. [Online]. Available:
storage/virtualbox/downloads/index.html. [Accessed: 15-Jul- 2017].
... -BitM client-side: in this case the attacker may insert malicious JavaScript code or web-based malware [32] in the web page served to the victim (the end user). By such an approach, for example, an attack might be arranged along the lines of the Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) attack described in the "Related Work" section: the victim might be lead to download all kinds of malware to be installed in the web browser or, more simply, to deceptively use a Browser Exploitation Framework (BeeF) [33,34]. In practice all kinds of client-side attacks might be implemented. ...
Man-in-the-Middle (MitM), one of the best known attacks in the world of computer security, is among the greatest concerns for professionals in the field. Main goal of MitM is to compromise confidentiality, integrity and availability of data flowing between source and destination. However, most of its many variants involve difficulties that make it not always possible. The present paper aims at modelling and describing a new method of attack, named Browser-in-the-Middle (BitM) which, despite the similarities with MitM in the way it controls the data flow between a client and the service it accesses, bypasses some of MitM's typical shortcomings. It could be started by phishing techniques and in some cases coupled to the well-known Man-in-the-Browser (MitB) attack. It will be seen how BitM expands the range of the possible attacker's actions, at the same time making them easier to implement. Among its features, the absence of the need to install malware of any kind on the victim's machine and the total control it allows the attacker are to be emphasized.
Web Browser Attack Available: https://www
"Web Browser Attack," Pvamus, Mar-2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Jul2017].
How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers
- T Garsiel
- P Irish
T. Garsiel and P. Irish, "How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers," html5rocks, 05-Aug-2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Jul-2017].
books?id=4fD7AAAAQBAJ&pg=PT5&lpg=PT 5&dq=countermeasure%2Bagainst%2Bbeef%2Bkali%2Blinux&source =bl&ots=qxPZaai-Ff&sig=lyfWjc9AMfDcvjfLos9VpjVhRsA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUK EwihqdH98LzVAhWHz4MKHRwoDAAQ6AEIPzAE#v=snippet&q=be ef&f=false
- J Muniz
- A Lakhani
J. Muniz and A. Lakhani, "Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux," Google Books. [Online]. Available: 5&dq=countermeasure%2Bagainst%2Bbeef%2Bkali%2Blinux&source =bl&ots=qxPZaai-Ff&sig=lyfWjc9AMfDcvjfLos9VpjVhRsA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUK EwihqdH98LzVAhWHz4MKHRwoDAAQ6AEIPzAE#v=snippet&q=be ef&f=false. [Accessed: 15-Jul-2017].
Why Cloud Browsers Are The Wave Of The Future
- A Tanner
A. Tanner, "Why Cloud Browsers Are The Wave Of The Future," Forbes, 10-Mar-2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Jul-2017].
CentOS Project Available: [Accessed: 15
- Centos The
- Project
The CentOS Project," CentOS Project. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Jul-2017].
Oracle Technology Network | Oracle Oracle VM VirtualBox-Downloads | Oracle Technology Network | Oracle
- Vm Oracle
- Virtualbox-Downloads
Oracle VM VirtualBox-Downloads | Oracle Technology Network | Oracle," Oracle VM VirtualBox-Downloads | Oracle Technology Network | Oracle. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 15-Jul-2017].
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