Doggonit Jefferson Ya Done Messed Up Again


Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) Poster

Jefferson Smith: You run across, boys forget what their country ways by just reading The Land of the Free in history books. So they get to exist men they forget even more. Liberty'south too precious a affair to be buried in books, Miss Saunders. Men should concord information technology up in front of them every unmarried day of their lives and say: I'm free to recall and to speak. My ancestors couldn't, I can, and my children will. Boys ought to abound up remembering that.

Jefferson Smith: I guess this is merely another lost cause Mr. Paine. All you people don't know nearly lost causes. Mr. Paine does. He said once they were the only causes worth fighting for and he fought for them once. For the only reason any homo ever fights for them. Because of just one plain simple dominion. Dear thy neighbor. And in this world today of peachy hatred a man who knows that rule has a great trust. You know that rule Mr. Paine and I loved you for it simply every bit my father did. And you know that you fight harder for the lost causes than for whatever others. Aye y'all'd even dice for them. Like a man we both knew Mr. Paine. You lot think I'm licked. You lot all think I'm licked. Well I'yard not licked. And I'one thousand gonna stay right hither and fight for this lost cause. Fifty-fifty if this room gets filled with lies like these. And the Taylors and all their armies come marching into this place. Somebody will mind to me.

[he collapses]

Senator Joseph Paine: Permit me become! I'm not fit to be a senator! I'g not fit to live! Expel me, not him! Willet Dam is a fraud! It'south a offense against the people who sent me hither - and I committed it! Every word that boy said is the truth! Every word almost Taylor and me and graft and the rotten political corruption of my land! Every word of information technology is true! I'thousand not fit for part! I'm not fit for whatever place of honor or trust! Expel me, not that boy!

Jefferson Smith: [His vocalisation very hoarse] Simply go up off the ground, that'southward all I inquire. Get up there with that lady that's up on superlative of this Capitol dome, that lady that stands for liberty. Take a expect at this state through her eyes if you actually desire to see something. And you lot won't just see scenery; you'll see the whole parade of what Human'due south carved out for himself, later centuries of fighting. Fighting for something better than merely jungle police force, fighting so'south he can stand on his own ii feet, costless and decent, similar he was created, no matter what his race, color, or creed. That's what you'd see. In that location's no identify out there for graft, or greed, or lies, or compromise with human liberties. And, uh, if that'southward what the grownups have done with this world that was given to them, so we'd ameliorate get those boys' camps started fast and see what the kids can do. And information technology's not too late, considering this state is bigger than the Taylors, or you, or me, or anything else. Smashing principles don't become lost in one case they come to light. They're right hither; you just have to see them once more!

Jefferson Smith: I wouldn't requite you ii cents for all your fancy rules if, behind them, they didn't have a piddling bit of obviously, ordinary, everyday kindness and a picayune looking out for the other fella, as well.

[subsequently all the other Senators walk out]

Jefferson Smith: Oh, Mr. President, nosotros seem to be lone. I, I'm not complaining for a social reason; it's simply, I think it'd be a compassion if these gentlemen missed whatsoever of this, and...

[Clarissa starts waving from the visitors gallery, and making hand signals]

Jefferson Smith: And, uh...

[he grabs the dominion book]

Jefferson Smith: I, I call the chair's attending to... to, uh... Rule v of the Standing Rules of the Senate, Section... Section iii. "If it shall be institute that a quorum is not present, a bulk of the Senators nowadays" - and that looks like me - uh, uh, "may direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to asking, and if necessary compel, the omnipresence of the absent Senators." Well, Mr. President, I so direct.

Jefferson Smith: Well, what do you expect me to practise? An honorary stooge like me against the Taylors and Paines and machines and lies?

Clarissa Saunders: Your friend, Mr. Lincoln had his Taylors and Paines. So did every other man who ever tried to lift his thought up off the footing. Odds against them didn't stop those men. They were fools that manner. All the good that ever came into this earth came from fools with organized religion like that. You know that, Jeff. Yous tin can't quit now. Not you. They aren't all Taylors and Paines in Washington. That kind just throw big shadows, that'southward all. You didn't just accept faith in Paine or any other living man. You had faith in something bigger than that. You had plain, decent, everyday, common rightness, and this state could use some of that. Yeah, so could the whole cockeyed world, a lot of it. Remember the showtime mean solar day y'all got here? Remember what you said about Mr. Lincoln? You said he was sitting upward at that place, waiting for someone to come along. You were correct. He was waiting for a man who could come across his chore and sail into it, that's what he was waiting for. A man who could tear into the Taylors and root them out into the open. I call back he was waiting for yous, Jeff. He knows you tin can do it, and so practise I.

Jefferson Smith: What? Do what, Saunders?

Clarissa Saunders: You just make upward your mind you lot're not gonna quit, and I'll tell you what. I've been thinking about information technology all the way back here. It'due south a xl foot swoop into a tub of h2o, but I think yous can do information technology.

[the filibuster begins]

President of Senate: The Chair recognizes... Senator Smith!

Jefferson Smith: Thank you, sir.

Clarissa Saunders: Diz, here we go.

Jefferson Smith: Well, I estimate the gentlemen are in a pretty tall bustle to get me out of hither. The mode the evidence has piled upwards against me, I can't say I blame them much. And I'g quite willing to go, sir, when they vote it that way - but before that happens I've got a few things I desire to say to this body. I tried to say them one time earlier, and I got stopped colder than a mackerel. Well, I'd like to get them said this time, sir. And as a affair of fact, I'm non going to leave this trunk until I do get them said.

Senator Joseph Paine: Mr. President, will the Senator yield?

President of Senate: Will the Senator yield?

Jefferson Smith: No, sir, I'k afraid not, no sir. I yielded the floor once earlier, if yous can retrieve, and I was practically never heard of again. No sir. And we might likewise all gather on this yielding business right off the bat, now.

[laughter from the gallery]

Jefferson Smith: Now, I had some pretty expert coaching last night, and I find that if I yield but for a question or a point of order or a personal privilege, that I can hold this floor most until doomsday. In other words, I've got a piece to speak, and blow hot or cold, I'm going to speak it.

Senator Joseph Paine: Will the Senator yield?

President of Senate: Volition Senator Smith yield?

Jefferson Smith: Yield how, sir?

Senator Joseph Paine: Will he yield for a question?

Jefferson Smith: For a question, all right.

Senator Joseph Paine: I wish to enquire my distinguished colleague, has he one scrap of evidence to add at present to the defense he did not give and could not give at that aforementioned hearing?

Jefferson Smith: I have no defense against forged papers!

Senator Joseph Paine: The Commission ruled otherwise! The admirer stands guilty, as charged. And I believe I speak for every fellow member when I say that no i cares to hear what a man of his condemned character has to say about whatsoever section of whatever legislation before this House.

President of Senate: Order, lodge, gentlemen.

Jefferson Smith: Mr. President, I stand up guilty as FRAMED! Because section xl is graft! And I was set to say so, I was ready to tell you that a sure human in my land, a Mr. James Taylor, wanted to put through this dam for his ain turn a profit. A human who controls a political machine! And controls everything else worth controlling in my land. Yes, and a man even powerful plenty to control Congressmen - and I saw 3 of them in his room the twenty-four hour period I went up to run across him!

Senator Joseph Paine: Will the Senator yield?

Jefferson Smith: No, sir, I will non yield! And this same man, Mr. James Taylor, came downward here and offered me a seat in this Senate for the adjacent 20 years if I voted for a dam that he knew, and I knew, was a fraud. But if I dared to open my rima oris against that dam, he promised to pause me in two.

Jefferson Smith: Boy, you should have been there!

Clarissa Saunders: I know, it was a wonderful party, and your conform went over large, and she looked beautiful, and when yous left she said, "Cheers, Mr. Smith," but it was the way she said it, you near fell through the floor. Horseradish!

Diz Moore: [dictating into telephone] In protestation, the whole Senate body rose and walked out.

Clarissa Saunders: No! No, not that straight stuff. Now listen, kick it upwardly, become on his side, fight for him! Understand?

Diz Moore: Y'all love this monkey - don't you?

Clarissa Saunders: What do you lot remember? At present listen, go to work. Do as I tell you.

Diz Moore: [into phone] Throw out that concluding, take this. This is the near titanic battle of modern times. A David without even a slingshot rises to exercise battle against the mighty Goliath, the Taylor automobile, allegedly kleptomaniacal within and out. Yeah, and for my money, you lot tin cut out the "allegedly."

Senator Joseph Paine: He tin raise public stance against usa - if any part of this sticks...

James Taylor: Aah, he'll never become started. I'll make public opinion out there within v hours! I've done it all my life. I'll blacken this punk so that he'll - You leave public opinion to me. Now, Joe, I recollect you lot'd better go back into the Senate and keep those Senators lined upwards.

Clarissa Saunders: They're non letting what Jeff says become printed in the state. Now if I give you a raft of it over the phone, can you print information technology up and spread a billion copies? Swell! Get ready to take this down, Mrs. Smith.

Ma Smith: Boys, everything nigh Jeff, become pencils and paper.

Clarissa Saunders: Alright, here we go.

Ma Smith: All ready, Clarissa.

Clarissa Saunders: She called me Clarissa. Okay Ma! JEFF TELLS TRUTH, SHOWS Up TAYLOR!

Clarissa Saunders: You're bill is fix. You take information technology over there and you lot introduce it. You get to your feet in the Senate and accept a long breath and start spouting. But, not too loud, because a couple of the Senators might want to slumber. Then, a curly headed folio boy takes it up to the desk-bound where a long faced clerk reads it, refers it to the right committee,

Jefferson Smith: Why?

Clarissa Saunders: Look, committees are small groups of Senators that accept to sift a bill down, look into it, written report it, report to the whole Senate. You lot can't take a bill nobody ever heard near and discuss it amongst 96 men! Where would yous get?

Jefferson Smith: Yep, I meet.

Clarissa Saunders: Good. Now, where are we?

Jefferson Smith: Some committee's got it.

Clarissa Saunders: Now, days have gone by Senator. Days. Weeks! Finally, they think its quite a neb. It goes over to the Business firm of Representatives for debate and a vote. But, information technology has to wait its plough on the calendar.

Jefferson Smith: The agenda?

Clarissa Saunders: Aye. That's the gild of business. Your neb has to stand fashion dorsum there in line unless the steering committee thinks its of import...

Jefferson Smith: What's that?

Clarissa Saunders: What?

Jefferson Smith: Steering commission?

Clarissa Saunders: Yous actually think we're getting anywhere?

Jefferson Smith: Oh, yes, Miss Sauders, at present, tell me, what'southward the Steering committee?

Clarissa Saunders: The committee of the majority party. They make up one's mind when a bill is important enough to be moved upwardly to the caput of the list.

Jefferson Smith: Oh, this is!

Clarissa Saunders: Pardon me, this is. Where are we now?

Jefferson Smith: Nosotros're in the House.

Clarissa Saunders: Oh, yeah, the House. More than amendments. More than changes and the neb goes back to the Senate, The Senate doesn't similar what the Business firm did to the bill, they make more changes. The House doesn't similar those changes, stymied.

Jefferson Smith: So?

Clarissa Saunders: Then, they appoint men from each House to go to a huddle called a caucus and they battle it out. Finally, if your beak is still alive after all this devastation, it comes to a vote. Yes sir, the big mean solar day finally arrives - and Congress adjourns. Communicable on Senator?

Jefferson Smith: My Dad had the right idea. He had information technology all worked out. He used to say to me, "Son, don't miss the wonders that surroundings you; because, every tree, every rock, every ant loma, every star is filled with the wonders of nature." And, he used to say to me, "Have y'all ever noticed how grateful you are to meet daylight again after coming through a long, dark tunnel?" Well, he'd say, "Always try to meet life around you, as if you lot'd just come out a tunnel."

[when Smith is announced as the newly appointed Senator]

James Taylor: I want you to let the ballyhoo boys loose, plan a celebration, and declare a vacation.

Clarissa Saunders: When Foley died, why didn't I clear out? How many times accept you heard me say "I'thou fed up with politics and I"... No, I permit him talk me into staying. Secretary to a leader of picayune squirts! Why? Considering I need the job and a new conform of clothes!

Diz Moore: Would you settle for a hubby?

Clarissa Saunders: Mmm, I sure would!

[suddenly realizes he's referring to himself]

Clarissa Saunders: Huh?

Diz Moore: You know my old standing offer. Diz Moore, poet of Washington correspondents.

Clarissa Saunders: [smiling] Oh, that again.

Diz Moore: I'd cherish you - and I'd stay sober.

Clarissa Saunders: Oh, Diz, you're a wonderful egg. I don't know, maybe if I saw y'all once with your hair combed or something...

[Diz sheepishly finger combs his hair]

Clarissa Saunders: [laughs] No, I don't even recollect that would do information technology.

Senate Minority Leader, Barnes: [Watches every bit Smith reads a notation passed to him from the gallery] Does the admirer wish to yield?

Jefferson Smith: Yield? Oh, no. I feel fine! The Constitution of the United States!

[Barnes throws both hands high in the air, turns abroad from Smith, then brings his arms downward hard on his desk in frustration]

Senator Joseph Paine: I know how you feel, Jeff. Thirty years ago - I had those ideals, as well. I was *you*. I had to brand the decision y'all were asked to brand today. And I compromised - yes! So that all these years I could stay in that Senate - and serve the people in a thousand honest means! You lot've got to face up facts, Jeff. I've served our state well, haven't I? We have the everyman unemployment and the highest federal grants. Merely, well, I've had to compromise, had to play ball. Y'all can't count on people voting, half the time they don't vote, anyway. That's how states and empires have been built since time began. Don't you empathize? Well, Jeff, you tin can have my give-and-take for it, that's how things are. Now I've told yous all this because - well, I've grown very fond of yous - about like a son - in fact, and I don't want to run into you get hurt. At present, when that deficiency bill comes up in the Senate tomorrow, you stay away from information technology. Don't say a give-and-take. Great powers are behind it, and they'll destroy yous before you can even go started. For your own sake, Jeff, and for the sake of my friendship with your male parent, please, don't say a word.

Jefferson Smith: I can promise you one thing, I'll do zip to disgrace the office of - the United States Senate.

Bill Griffith: Welcome, Senator. The wildlife around here is a lilliputian different from what you're used to - they clothing high heels.

Clarissa Saunders: Diz, what exercise yous think? Daniel Boone'due south lost.

Diz Moore: No?

Clarissa Saunders: Lost in the wilds of Washington.

Diz Moore: Well, if your boy friend'south gonna blaze trails, I'thousand going over to the Press Club.

Clarissa Saunders: Aw, stick around. He might desire us all to put on curt pants and get out hiking. You wouldn't want to miss the practice.

Diz Moore: Every time I call up of practice, I have to prevarication right down until the feeling leaves me. Say, wouldn't it be funny if he was lost?

Clarissa Saunders: The Male child Ranger? Oh, he'll testify up. He must have a compass with him.

Senator Joseph Paine: Now, then, Saunders. You terminate this nonsense and go back to Smith'due south office and become to work and get him to the Senate by twelve o'clock.

Clarissa Saunders: Look, Senator, I wasn't given a brain simply to tell a Boy Ranger what time information technology is.

Clarissa Saunders: Look, when I came hither, my eyes were big blue question marks. Now, they're big green dollar marks.

Senator Joseph Paine: Smart, daughter, eh. All correct. Stop this job properly and you become a handsome bonus. And by properly, I mean keep Smith away from annihilation that smacks of politics.

Diz Moore: What did you get me outta bed for?

Clarissa Saunders: Shhh. Sit tight. The prove'southward about to embark.

Diz Moore: Exercise mind telling me what'southward almost to proceed around hither?

Clarissa Saunders: Certainly. Now, there's the principal actor in our piffling play: Don Quixote Smith - human with bill. Over here, one of the supporting characters.

Diz Moore: Who?

Clarissa Saunders: That gorilla in human'due south clothing: McGann.

Diz Moore: Oh, you mean, puss in boots.

Clarissa Saunders: Yeah, mostly puss. Aw, another prominent graphic symbol in our play, the silver knight, soul of honor on a tightrope.

Diz Moore: You wouldn't be a piddling bit goofy, would you?

Clarissa Saunders: Diz, Don Quixote with beak volition get to his feet in a minute and speak two of import words: Willet Creek. When that happens, the sliver knight volition fall off his tightrope and puss will leap outta his boots.

Diz Moore: Meliorate exist dainty to that gal. The latest poll makes her old human being the party choice for the White House. She may be the next First Lady of the land.

Clarissa Saunders: Imagine reading, "My Twenty-four hour period by Susan Paine in the neck." He isn't gonna be injure enough as it is, she has to twist a knife in him too... jackass. "I'll turn my glamour on him," she says.

Diz Moore: Oh, forget it. What's it to you?

Clarissa Saunders: Nothing, I'm just...

Diz Moore: Okay, okay. Then, terminate worrying. I told yous the dopes are going to inherit the earth anyway.

Clarissa Saunders: I wonder, Diz, if this Don Quixote hasn't got the jump on all of us. I wonder if it isn't a expletive to become through life wised up like you and me.

Diz Moore: At present, look here kid. If you lot're going to wonder, allow's get downwards and do it over a hunk of steak, huh? Come on, snap out of it. Beverage up! Here's to bigger and meliorate dopes.

Clarissa Saunders: And to Don Quixote.

Jefferson Smith: I ever go a great kick out of that part of the Declaration of Independence. Y'all're not gonna have a country where these kind of rules work, if y'all haven't got men that have learned to tell human rights from a punch in the olfactory organ.

[applause from the gallery]

Jefferson Smith: It's a funny thing about men. They all start out existence boys. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these Senators were boys once. That'southward why it seemed like a pretty skilful idea to go boys out of the crowded cities and stuffy basements for a couple of months out of the twelvemonth. Build their bodies and minds for a man-sized task. Those boys will be sitting behind these desks some mean solar day. Yep, it seemed like a pretty good idea - boys from all over the land, of all nationalities and ways of life, getting together and finding out what makes different people tick the way they practise. Because I wouldn't give y'all two cents for all your fancy rules if, backside them, they didn't accept a little fleck of obviously, ordinary, everyday kindness... and a little looking out for the other fella, also. That'southward pretty important, all that. It'southward merely the blood, bone and sinew of this democracy that some slap-up men handed downwards to the human race, that'southward all! But, of course, if you lot've got to build a dam where a boys' camp ought to be to get some graft to pay off some political regular army or something, why that'south different!

[of a sudden, with forcefulness]

Jefferson Smith: No, sir! If you recall I'll go back and tell those boys in my state, "Forget information technology, fellas. Everything I've told yous about the land you live in is a lot of hooey. It isn't your country - information technology belongs to the James Taylors!" Non me! Everyone who thinks that has got another call back coming!

[Jeff notices that none of the senators are really listening to him; he sharply whistles, startling the room of men out of their apathy]

Jefferson Smith: That's all right. I just wanted to see whether you still had faces.

[laughter from the gallery]

Jefferson Smith: I'm pitiful, gentlemen. I know I'm being disrespectful to this honorable body. A guy like me should never exist immune here in the kickoff place! I hate to stand here and try your patience but... EITHER I'M Expressionless RIGHT OR I'Yard CRAZY!

Senate Minority Leader, Barnes: You wouldn't care to put that to a vote, would you lot, Senator?

[this time, the Senators laugh]

Nosey: [Commencement lines]

[On the phone]

Nosey: Senator Samuel Foley. Dead. Aye. Yeah. Died a minute ago. Here at St. Vincent. At the bedside was state political sidekick, Senator Joseph Paine. Yeah.

Senator Joseph Paine: Jim, suppose we don't try to get through with this Dam? Suppose we postpone it until adjacent session of Congress? Or, drop it altogether?

James Taylor: Oh, that'd be a crime, Joe. Afterwards all the work nosotros've put in on it? Getting buried in this Deficiency Neb - equally nicely as yous please. Having it approved. It's rolling along. It was like taking processed from a babe.

Senator Joseph Paine: Is it worth the gamble of a scandal?

Governor Hopper: Just, Jim, if I throw a political party man, like Horace Miller, in the face of those people...

James Taylor: For reasons I can't go into now, it's got to be Horace Miller. Practice you understand? I've given you the human being, now make out your ticket.

Governor Hopper: I won't allow y'all stand in that location callously and possibly wreck my whole political futurity!

James Taylor: Your political futurity? Why, I bought it for you. I gave it to you as a present and I tin can catch it back so fast information technology'll make your head swim! You've got a nervus to sit down at that place and worry about your political hereafter, when we're in a spot like this!

Governor Hopper: Well, forgive my abysmal ignorance, only I don't know this Jefferson Smith from a hole in the footing.

Governor Hopper: That settles it! I will not exist attacked and belittled by my ain children in my own habitation! Oh, my fretfulness are strained to the breaking point!

Mrs. Hopper: Oh, Hubert.

James Taylor: A Boy Ranger? A squirrel chaser to the U.s. Senate?

Governor Hopper: Listen, Jim, a simpleton of all times. A big eyed baby. Knows Lincoln and Washington by center. Stands at attending in the Governor's presence. He even collects devious boys and cats.

James Taylor: He does what?

Governor Hopper: It is in that spirit that we gather here this evening, to acclamation and wish God'south speed to Senator Jefferson Smith!

[Crowd roars]

Jefferson Smith: Thanks. I-I I-I can't help feeling that there's been a big mistake somehow.

Jefferson Smith: I suppose, Mr. Paine, when a young man bucks up confronting a big arrangement like that, that ane man by himself can't get very far, tin can he?

Senator Joseph Paine: No.

Jefferson Smith: Things sure happen fast around here, don't they?

Chick McGann: Yes, you'll have to go yourself out of low gear, Senator.

Chick McGann: This way, Senator. Where is he? Hey, Senator? Why, I told that cookie to - Come on! Allow's find him. Hey, Senator? Senator Smith?

Diz Moore: Viii to v, trivial boy blue is plastered.

Jefferson Smith: I-I-I don't think I've ever been then thrilled in my whole life. And that Lincoln Memorial! Gee whiz. That Mr. Lincoln, there he is. He'south just lookin' correct directly at you as you come correct up those steps. Just - merely sitting there, like he was waiting for somebody to come forth.

Diz Moore: I'll see yous later, Saunders. I gotta go out and drink this over.

Nosey: I'll make it right with you.

Clarissa Saunders: What do you mean right?

Nosey: What do I hateful? I tell you lot what I'll do. World Series. A pass. A pass! In a month it will be worth fifteen bucks.

Clarissa Saunders: Well!


Female Reporter: Now, Senator, tell me, what do you think of the girls in this town?

Jefferson Smith: Gosh, I, downwards at the station, four of 'em came up and kissed me when I got off the train.

Female Reporter: Oh, were they pretty?

Jefferson Smith: Pretty - that Miss Susan Paine, she'south near the prettiest girl I ever did see.

Jefferson Smith: The signal is, sir, they're correct. I'm just sitting in the Senate decorating a chair. Now, if-if I'm going to vote, I at least ought to try and study some of the bills that are coming upward.

Senator Joseph Paine: The bills?

Jefferson Smith: Well, yes sir. Otherwise, I'grand but a Christmas tiger, like they said.

Senator Joseph Paine: Jeff, these bills are put together by legal minds, after long study. Why, I-I-I can't empathise ha-half of them myself - and I used to be a lawyer. At present, come on, forget it. When the fourth dimension comes, I'll advise you how to vote.

Clarissa Saunders: So, you lot wanna be a Senator, huh? You're gonna build a camp on a piffling creek. See this? Deficiency Bill. Section number forty. A dam going up where you think your military camp'due south going to be. E'er hear of it? Noooo! They read all about it in the Senate today. But, you weren't supposed to hear. That's why that ritzy dame took you in tow. That's why they sent yous here in the start place! Because you don't know a dam from a bathtub. Become ahead! Be a Senator. Try and mess upwardly Mr. Taylor'due south fiddling graft. But, you lot tin can't. And you lot tin't in 9 million years! Go home! Don't stay effectually hither making people feel distressing for you.

Jefferson Smith: Now, doggone it, in that location's something wrong here! I know there's something wrong! And I'yard not gonna vote on that thing until I get some more questions answered.

Senator Joseph Paine: Jeff, you're fighting windmills.

Jefferson Smith: I am?

Senator Joseph Paine: Well, as I said, this is a homo'south globe, Jeff, and you gotta cheque your ideals exterior the door - similar yous do your rubbers.

James Taylor: Hendricks, get the hoi polloi excited. Have them send protests, letters, wires, anything you similar.

H.V. Kaltenborn, Himself: [Speaking into a CBS Radio microphone] This is H.V. Kaltenborn speaking. Half of official Washington is hither to see commonwealth's finest show: the filibuster. The correct to talk your head off. The American privilege of gratuitous spoken communication in its almost dramatic form. The least man in that sleeping room, once he gets and holds that flooring, by the rules, can hold it and talk equally long as he can stand on his feet. Providing ever; first, that he does not sit down, 2d, that he does not leave the sleeping accommodation or stop talking. The galleries are packed! In the diplomatic gallery, are the envoys of 2 dictator powers. They have come up here to see what they can't see at home: democracy in activeness.

H.5. Kaltenborn, Himself: [Speaking into a CBS Radio microphone] Senator Smith, has now talked for 23 hours and xvi minutes. It is the most unusual and spectacular thing in the Senate annals. One alone and uncomplicated American, holding the greatest floor in the land. What he lacked in experience, he'south made up in fight. Only those tired Boy Ranger legs are buckling, membranous eyed, phonation gone, he cannot get on much longer. And all official Washington is hither to exist in on the kill.

Senator Joseph Paine: [immediately afterward introducing the Senate Bulk Leader to Smith] You don't have to worry about the others - they are just senators.

[Diz and Saunders are commiserating their sorrows over drinks]

Clarissa Saunders: Do y'all know how I felt, Diz?

Diz Moore: No. How'd y'all feel? Quick.

Clarissa Saunders: I felt just like a female parent sending the kid off to school for the commencement time. Watching her niggling fella toddling off in his best bib and tucker. Hoping he can stand to the other kids.

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